Four wizards sat on a stump, rump to rump to rump to rump watching a hummingbird stop in air, drink from a blossom and disappear. The first one gasped, the second one sighed and the third not a word. Then the fourth set forth: “The hummingbird that stops in air, There! and there! there! there! proves as well as mind can tell the truth of the Impossible” The first one sighed and the second replied, coughing once for focus and adjusting his starry robe, “The hummingbird that pinks its bill precisely in the blossom’s bell demonstrates the practical art of doing one thing well.” They sat some more. The second sighed. Then number three jumped up and cried waving his conical hat in air, “As far as gaze can get from eye kicking a stone along the street with alternating feet.... I forget what I was going to say.” Then our foursome stood as one, apostrophizing in unison: “Oh Magic to our human sight Oh thrilling disappearing act, Oh Joy herself that stops mid-air from god knows where above our secret woodland locus, forgive our hocus pocus.” Then they sat back down on their homely stump rump to rump to rump to rump.