The Man With No Career
A man was so taken with his eyebrows ―they were his most expressive feature. All day long they would express... well, you name and they would express it, that he quite neglected his career. This man was also very involved with his hands and how they smelt up close. all day long he’d be sniffing his fingers or, to disguise it, stroking his nose. And he quite neglected his career. This same man had a pet monkey, an adorable red and blue monkey, who did cartwheels for peanuts with whom he was so smitten that as I have already written he quite neglected his career. At last, in his wretched deathbed, parents grandparents all wailing their blame and disappointment, he implores, with a last long wheeze, "With such eyebrows, such hands, and such a monkey, who had time for a career?"