Two women in light shawls among wildflowers have forgotten themselves across their foreground field like a wind of petals * * * At the last of the zillion quiet moments since a hair of the master’s paintbrush tickled its cheek that precarious one apple on the bottom tier of the crowded apple tetrahedron will, is going to, at long last, now? will it? slip from the plate, bounce off the tabletop, fall to the floor, and demolish, like a stone into still water, the last quiet moment of Cézanne’s Still Life with Apples * * * I need out of here. I suffocate for air. A sign says EXIT just where I expected it, as if a friend were to offer a glass icewater, down the grand Y of marble stairs and out the heavy bronze doors. It’s winter out, sun low in the south, the banister pole is going to feel ice cold in my inside hand. * * * Four knights in armor and full-head helmets with pointy noses mounted on patient but ever ready iron-clad palfreys. Deep in this medieval night a young docent stands in wait. “To Ancient Greece then left and left again at Socrates through European painting, to the stairway.” Pointing. * * * White pants, white vest, in a dark, blue tailed, brass-buttoned tunic, the signature tricorn in hand clueless doll's eyes. “Our little Napoleon,” maman gushes, peeking across the frame, dapping dry a tear of rich delight * * * Madonna and Child, Madonna and Child, Madonna and Child, Madonna and Child, Madonna and Child. Jesus Christ. * * * A smiling young woman in a bright purple cloche contemplating a bearded old man kneeling in shadow. Rembrandt's “St. Jerome in Prayer” I need out of here. * * * “Down the hall, left at the satyrs right and right again, a bank of elevators, left at Aphrodite, to a boulevard marching soldiers.” Left right left right right. The sun low in the south shining up Fifth Avenue, a brisk wind of light. * * * On wings of a spare Quattrocento cherub, I’m dying for a breath of air, dizzily cornering right angles, right angles, to a fare thee well, but encountering only, e.g., Saxon tapestry Crimean estuary Chinese snuff bottle Islamic kettle Panama hat Egyptian amulet African priest, whizzingly past Mexico, Sri Lanka America, America the Met’s impossible labyrinth of everything Iraq and Afghanistan. Cézanne?
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Every version is better! Love it.
All the paintings I know so well, beautiful